Live Sex Shows!
Models will be allowed to link their cam show url in their admin area. This page will have a script that displays all models currently live. This page will display a minimum number of live cam shows, whatever looks good, and if we don't have enough of our studios online to fill the page we will take cam links at random from chaturbate. This isn't as difficult as it sounds, chaturbate et al provide tools for this purpose.
We will probably only use chaturbate, I will email Leo to see if he will allow us to spam all his models to create a studio in return for using him exclusively. OZMO I want you to fill out this page with dummy live show accounts, it will look just like the main page here that shows video clips in a table.
Jenna Virgin
234 Clips
Jenna Virgin
234 Clips
Jenna Virgin
234 Clips
Jenna Virgin
234 Clips
Jenna Virgin
234 Clips
Jenna Virgin
234 Clips